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Curious if Lori Lamont and/or EFT is a good fit for you? Book a 30 minute Discover Call to see.
All clients must have completed a discovery call before registering for sessions.
Sessions are led by the client's goals and desires. Depending on your needs, the session could go in a variety of directions. On average, sessions include EFT & Matrix Reimprinting. EFT is a form of acupressure. By tapping on the meridian channels, we are able to remove blocks, resistance, issues or disturbances in your energy or chi. In the sessions, EFT is used to remove the emotional charge behind an issue in a safe, gentle and effective way. Matrix Reimprinting allows us to heal the inner child and reimprint a new empowering story that has the potential of rewriting your experience.
There is more to a session though! Lori also uses her expertise in Deliberate Manifestation as well. She offers a unique perspective with helping you achieve your goals and experience your desires. The Deliberate Manifestation aspect of the session is focused on what it is you want to attract. We go over different methods that could be used to expedite the manifestation. We also identify any blocks or resistance that are preventing you from manifesting your desires & achieving your highest good.
Empowerment EFT Sessions help align you to your higher self, inner wisdom, inner goddess, whatever you want to call it! You begin to believe in yourself because you begin to understand just how much power you actually have! You don't nee to be fixed! You are not broken! You have all the answers right now. You are a woman of power. The sessions just reconnects you to that woman, to that inner goddess that you are.
The following are crucial in having a productive session. Prior to each session, please be sure to:
Sessions run 50-60 minutes.
Sessions are conducted in one of the following ways:
The assortment of tools that may be used in any given session are vast. The main modalities are:
- Donna McGurk, MA
Stacey De Witt
Jean Berry, Game Inventor Mentor
"My ten year old daughter had become increasingly afraid of bees after being stung when she was 3. It escalated to the point that when she was outside, she would become paralyzed by fear at seeing any insect fly by her. She began to avoid going outside. When she did go outside to play, the playtime would more often than not end with her either screaming or looking ashen and frozen in her spot because something flew by. And the insect didn't have to be in close proximity- she could see it 10 feet away and still be affected. With a strong belief in energy psychology, I made an appointment for Lori to work with my daughter. Within two sessions she was able to help my daughter reduce her fear to the point that she spent most of her autumn afternoons playing outside with her younger sister. She had many opportunities to fall back into old patterns because there were still plenty of flying insects about. But she maintained an air of indifference to them. I watched her be aware of insects flying close to her and was fascinated to observe that she remained detached, almost indifferent to them. I am grateful that the EFT was so effective. But I feel strongly that it was also Lori's ability as a practitioner to connect with my daughter, making her feel safe and comfortable, that optimized the treatment and produced such profound results." - Eileen, MA
"I was fortunate enough to have Lori work with me around my motion sickness and anxiety when I fly. I need to fly often for work and it made that part of my career really untenable when I would get sick flying to and from gigs. Lori was intuitive, patient, direct and able to help resolve this long-standing problem for me in one session. I could not be more grateful!" - Jackie Woodside, DC
"I have been working with Lori for well over a year now. I can't say enough good things about her. She creates a space of safety in which to explore yourself while also helping you focus on your goals. I have been able to work on a lot of fears I've had and as a result I have been able to reach goals that I previously thought impossible. Lori has a lot of integrity and is committed to fostering wellbeing in her clients. I am deeply grateful that I met Lori!" - C. B., FL
"I met with Lori for EFT for some long standing emotional blocks that were keeping from living fully the life I had imagined. She is a caring professional, who knows how to help root out old tired well worn beliefs and imprinting. I felt much better even before the session was done, confident I can more forward without taking any past issues with me. I highly recommend and trust her services to be beneficial to anyone seeking positive change." -Mary, MA
"Wow! I had the most amazing EFT session with Lori Lamont! Kudos to you girl! I am so grateful to her and Arch Angel Michael for overseeing the session. We got to a CORE issue in ONE session! THIS HAS NEVER HAPPENED BEFORE!" -Treena, B.C.
"I always leave my in person meeting with Lori, in the most amazing mood. My whole body takes on a new and improved energy. I am always filled with enlightenment, strength, ideas, and the feelings that there is no stopping me. The in person meetings are AMAZING."
"I took a workshop with Lori and have been tapping for some issues over which I’m anxious. It’s amazing how much better I felt afterwards and also how other stuff bubbles up that I didn’t realize was related. Lori is a great and patient teacher. I really enjoyed the workshop and am looking forward to taking more with her."- Carol, MA
"I've been having one on one EFT sessions with Lori off and on, as needed, for awhile. I always come out of a session with insights into something that genuinely changes my perspective for the better and helps me to move forward with confidence. She has used Matrix Re-imprinting to reach back into my childhood and find a memory that seems to be the root of several things with which I have struggled giving me a place to focus on healing. And then there was this most recent appointment. WOW! Without having much of an idea of what I wanted to focus on, I simply picked an emotion and used that one word to start. Lori took that one word and started me on a path that led to no place I EVER expected and had THE BIGGEST impact that ANY therapy has had on me in the moment and on my life as a whole. It led to the biggest perspective shift I have ever felt. She did this by being there to provide a safe space for me to explore where that emotion word might take me and provide peaceful support as I needed it. Everything she did was just perfect for me while I experienced my profound moments, including providing the tissues. This woman knows how to sit quietly as well as she knows how to guide as the need arises. Thank you is such a small way to express my gratitude, but it's all I have. Thank you, Lori." - Vicki, MA
Lori Lamont is not a doctor, a psychologist, a therapist or any other type of medical physician.
Prior to scheduling a session review Lori's terms and cancelation policy.