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Available to any EFT practitioner who has trained at EFT 1&2 level +.
Set up your account and start posting your events, resources and connecting with your peers!
You are encouraged to post any event you have coming up into our Events- Lori's List section.
Promote your group tapping, workshops, mentoring, classes, trainings... basically anything other than an individual session.
Feel free to post events that are not EFT specific! We all love learning new modalities and experiencing new ways to feel good so share away!
We want to hear from you! Share your resources with the community! Be known as the expert that you are with your peers! You can add any resource that will help the community; articles, blogs, podcasts, channels, summits, videos, etc.
Share your wins. Ask questions. Build connections and get to know your EFT peers!
Because this is hosted on Circle, you don't have to worry about all the stuff that comes with the social media platforms that are designed to consume your time and use you as a product.
ANY EFT practitioner who has trained in at least EFFT 1&2. You do not need to be certified. You do not need to be getting certified. There are no restrictions on the organization you got trained with as long as you have been trained.
Available to any EFT practitioner who has trained at EFT 1&2 level +.
Set up your account and start posting your events, resources and connecting with your peers!